Schindler's List

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Schindler is a German businessman in Poland who sees an opportunity to make money from the Nazis’rise to power. He starts a company to make cookware, using flattery and bribes to win military contracts, and brings in accountant Stern to help run the factory. By hiring Jews, Schindler has a unpaid labor force. For Stern, Schindler is a German businessman in Poland who sees an opportunity to make money from the Nazis’rise to power. By hiring Jews, Schindler has a unpaid labor force. For Stern,
彭真,原名傅懋恭。山西省曲沃县人,生于1902年10月12日。16岁时在曲沃县立第二高小上了三年小学,毕业后考取了山西省立一中。1923年,由高君宇、李毓棠介绍,他加入中国共产党,从此投身中国的革命事业。在白色恐怖的年代里,他是中共山西省党组织的创建者之一。大革命失败后出任中共天津市委代书记、书记,顺直省委代书记,领导太原、石家庄、天津、唐山等城市的工人、学生和当时的军阀进行了坚决斗争。  192