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创造力的培养要从学生抓起,要解放思想、转变观念,转变教师传道授业解惑的传统职责,由教师授业为主变成学生学业为主,由教师解惑为主转化为学生自学为主,让学生成为学习的主体;要培养创新意识,激发创新精神,鼓励、启发和诱导把个人的触角伸向未知的世界,引出他们心中那些好奇和求新知的欲望;要创设良好的创新环境,培养学生敢于质疑的精神,激发学生的想象力和幻想力,诱发学生的求异思维能力,接受学生参与教学过程,培养学生的创造性个性。 The cultivation of creativity should begin with the students, emancipate their minds, change their concepts and change the traditional duties of teachers ’preaching and solving their problems. The main task is to transform the teaching of teachers into students’ Self-study-oriented, so that students become the main body of learning; to cultivate the sense of innovation, stimulate innovation, encourage, inspire and induce the tentacles of individuals to the unknown world, leads them to those curious and novel desire to know; to create a good Innovate the environment, cultivate students ’spirit of daring to challenge, stimulate their imaginations and fantasies, induce students’ ability of thinking differently, accept students ’participation in the teaching process, and cultivate students’ creative personality.
2014年12月2日 晴  流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。  时光划破年华的脸庞,那深深的痕迹停留在时间的尾巴上,清晰可寻,不可磨灭。匆匆相见,匆匆离别,亦而匆匆相聚,又匆匆散场,留下的只是一片流连,一场回忆。  花  花开花落,年华也似水般流淌过青春岁月。  我喜欢老师谆谆的教导,人生的哲理或大或小,或深或浅,都由他们教授,让我们在如花的人生中展开无限的联想,用知识和美德装扮自己。我喜欢同
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功、热的定义在通常的教科书中已有定论。物理化学中主要考虑膨胀功的计算,在可逆过程中,有 The definition of work and heat has already been determined in ordinary t