弗米娜女士50来岁,热情好客,健谈。她在RS主要负责与世界各国的船检机构联络接洽。谈起普京,她的眼里直放光。“我们年轻的总统很能干,他让我们看到了希望!”她激动地说。 俄罗斯造船业刚刚度过困难时期,许多濒临倒闭的造船厂开始出现转机。在船厂相对集中的圣彼德堡,所有的造船厂因为都有了订单而又开始忙碌,主要建造油船、汽艇和集装箱船。在其他地区,一些造船厂也接到了来自国内外的订单,造船业凋敝的冬天已经过去了。然而,这一切都与新上任的总统普京大有关联。 当普京还是代总统时,就已在百忙中抽出时间主抓交通运输。
Ms. Vermina is 50 years old, hospitable and talkative. She is mainly responsible for liaising with the shipping inspection agencies of various countries in RS. Talking about Putin, she straightened her eyes. “Our young president is very capable. He lets us see hope!” she said excitedly. The Russian shipbuilding industry has just experienced a difficult period, and many shipyards that are on the verge of collapse have begun to turn a corner. In St. Petersburg, where the shipyards are relatively concentrated, all shipyards are busy with orders because they have orders. They mainly build oil tankers, motorboats and container ships. In other regions, some shipyards also received orders from home and abroad, and the winter of the shipbuilding industry has passed. However, all this is related to the new President Putin. When Putin was acting president, he took time out of his busy schedule to focus on transportation.