在“中华第一龙”的故乡,曾享有“国家卫生城”、“国家园林城”、“国家文明城”、“中国优秀旅游城”、“中国人口居住环境范例奖” 之美誉的河南省濮阳市,有一个身体力行江泽民总书记“三个代表”重要思想的先进集体——地方税务局。就是这样一个原本名不见经传的单位,近三、四年里却异军突起,辉煌有加,先后荣获“省级文明单位”、“市级文明系统”、“河南省地税系统目标管理优胜单位”、“河南省地税系统税收征管信息化建设先进单位”等十多项
In the hometown of “China’s First Dragon”, it has enjoyed the honorary titles of “National Health City”, “National Garden City”, “National Civilized City”, “China Outstanding Tourist City” and “China Population Living Environment Award” Puyang City has an advanced collective of personally conducting the general secretary-general Jiang Zemin’s important concept of “three represents” - the local taxation bureau. Is such an original unknown unit, nearly three or four years but the sudden emergence of brilliant, has won the “provincial civilized unit”, “municipal civilized system”, “Henan Provincial Land Tax system target management unit”, “ ”Henan Province, the tax collection and management of advanced tax information system" and so on more than 10 items