通过对 Scopus 数据库收录的中国科技期刊的统计,发现截止2006年1月16日,共有340种中国科技期刊被收录,收录论文总数为333621篇。被收录最早的是1965年《中华医学杂志》(英文版)。收录年(次)最多的是《中华医学杂志》(英文版),总共被收录33年(次)。收录期刊出版地区最多的是北京市,有169种。收录期刊所属学科最多的是数理科学与化学类。被收录期刊中创刊最早的是《中华医学杂志》(英文版),创刊于1887年。收录期刊的出版刊期以双月刊为主。有73种英文版中国期刊被收录,占21.5%;60种大学学报被收录,占17.6%。在被该数据库收录的中国科技期刊中,同时被美国 EI、ISI 网络数据库收录的分别为264种和58种;同时被中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库和维普数据库收录的期刊分别为235、264和280种。
Statistics of Chinese sci-tech journals included in the Scopus database show that as of January 16, 2006, a total of 340 Chinese sci-tech journals were included, with a total of 333621 papers. Was included in the earliest 1965 “Chinese Medical Journal” (in English). The most commonly cited year (s) is “Chinese Medical Journal” (English version), a total of being included 33 years (times). Including journals published in Beijing is the largest area, there are 169 species. Including journals are the most subject of mathematical science and chemistry class. Was included in the first issue of journals is “Chinese Medical Journal” (English version), founded in 1887. Bibliographic publication periodicals are mainly bimonthly. There are 73 English-language Chinese journals included, accounting for 21.5%; 60 university journals were included, accounting for 17.6%. Among the Chinese sci-tech periodicals included in this database, 264 and 58 were also included in the EI and ISI web databases of the United States at the same time. The journals that were also included in the Chinese Journal Full-text Database, Wanfang Database and Vip Database were 235,264 And 280 species.