Male patient, 50 years old. Treated for 17 hours due to abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, and anal stop defecation. Physical examination: acute pain face, abdomen slightly elevated, visible intestinal type. Abdominal tenderness, right middle and abdomen can touch 4 × 5cm mass, no significant muscle tension and rebound tenderness. B-ultrasonic examination: Intestinal cavity sees small intestine lumen expansion, thickening of the intestinal wall, intestinal cavity diameter 4.4cm, intestinal cavity was liquid dark area, which see a bit like floating strong echo spots. In the right mid-abdomen probe, the 3.4×2.5 cm light-enhancing mass was seen in the transversely dilated intestine. The surrounding hypoechoic echoes showed a “concentric circle” sign and the longitudinal incision was a “sleeve gun” sign. In the dorsal area of the right upper quadrant, ellipsoidal liquid dark areas of 6.8 x 3.3 cm are seen with smooth edges.