鱼油又名鱼肝油丸,是一种富含不饱和脂肪酸的降脂药,它对总胆固醇及甘油三酯有明显的降低作用,同时也影响血液粘稠度与血浆蛋白的含量,故用于心脑血管疾病的防治过程。本文对28例心脑血管疾病患者服用鱼油(0.45g/粒)1.80g/日共49天,观察治疗前后血流动力学指标的变化。 1 对象与方法 1.1 病例选择:选择1998年1月至1999年10月内科住院病人32例,其中50岁以下6例,70岁以上7例,50~70岁19例,平均年龄约65岁,男女比例为1.3;1.0。其中单纯高血压病人5例,高脂血症病人4例,冠心病病人8例,脑供血不足病人3例,脑梗塞病人2例,同时患上述两种以上疾病患者10例。
Fish oil, also known as cod liver oil pills, is a lipid-lowering drugs rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which have a significant reduction of total cholesterol and triglycerides, but also affect the blood viscosity and plasma protein content, it is used in heart Prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular disease. In this paper, 28 patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease taking fish oil (0.45g / grain) 1.80g / day for a total of 49 days to observe changes in hemodynamic indicators before and after treatment. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Case Selection: January 1998 to October 1999 inpatient inpatient 32 cases, of which 6 cases under 50 years of age, 70 years of age in 7 cases, 50 to 70 years old in 19 cases, with an average age of about 65 years old, The ratio of men and women is 1.3; 1.0. Among them, 5 cases of simple hypertension, 4 cases of hyperlipidemia, 8 cases of coronary heart disease, 3 cases of cerebral insufficiency, 2 cases of cerebral infarction, at the same time suffering from the above two kinds of diseases in 10 patients.