在古汉语里,主语、谓语和宾语的省略以及介宾词组中介词和宾语的省略,都是比较常见而又容易掌握的。但定语中心词的省略,学生掌握起来却有一定的困难,而且往往与动词、形容词活用作名词混淆不清。我在教定语中心词的省略时,曾举过下面两个典型的例子: (1)今汝背恩如是,则并父子(之情)亦无矣。《中山狼传》 (2)生以乡人子(之分)谒余。《送东阳马生序》课后学生提出:在“将军身被坚执锐,伐无道,诛暴秦。”(《陈涉世家》)中,“坚”这个
In ancient Chinese, the omission of subjects, predicates and objects, as well as the omission of prepositions and objects in the prepositional phrases, are relatively common and easy to grasp. However, the omission of attributive center words, students have some difficulties in mastering, and often confuse verbs, adjectives used as a noun unclear. When I was teaching the omission of the rhetoric, I cite the following two typical examples: (1) If you have done so now, then your father and son will not do anything. “Zhongshan Lang Biography” (2) Health to the townsfolk (points) Ye Yu. After the course of “Send Dongyang Ma Sheng Xu”, the students proposed: In “the general body is firmly held sharp, cutting no way, punish Qin” (“Chen family”), “Ken” this