The Finance Committee of the Government of the Central People’s Government issued a notice on certain amendments to the taxation system and the date of implementation, and announced the trial measures for the circulation of commodities. This is in line with the needs of China’s national economic development. The tax law for the current industrial and commercial taxation in China was announced in 1950 by the Central People’s Government Administration College. These tax laws specifically reflect the objective reality of our country during the period of economic recovery. The results of two and a half years of industrial implementation have ensured that a portion of state revenues have played a role in stabilizing financial prices, promoting the recovery and development of industry and commerce, and making a fundamental turn for the country’s financial and economic conditions. However, Zhengzhou’s current tax law was formulated during the period of economic recovery in China. At that time, the national economy had not yet been transformed. We also responded to complex economic conditions and changes in their development.