祖国医学的核心贵在辨证论治,即“辨证立法,以法统方”是也,临床除精于辨证立法外,对于遣药组方的配伍也是十分重要的。《本草》将中药的配伍总括为相须、相使、相恶、相畏、相杀、相反者六,加之单行谓之“七情”,此乃用药配伍之根本。药物众多,其性不过有四,其味不过有五,但各药之功用有相似、不同之别也,如何将这些相似或不同功用之药有机组方配伍,用于临床,提高疗效,则是医者必须研究的课题。故笔者根据中医药学理论,参考现代研究,结合临床体会,将临床用药配伍分十个方面浅述如下。一、同类相须用同类功效相似的药物合用,发生“协同”作用,以增强疗效,谓之同类相须。这种配伍既原则又灵活,临床应用广泛。例如: 大黄配芒硝:大黄苦寒,气味重
The core of the motherland medicine is based on syndrome differentiation and treatment, that is, “differentiation of legislation, to the legal system” is also, in addition to clinical syndrome differentiation in clinical practice, the compatibility of the drug delivery party is also very important. “Materia Medica” will be the total compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine to phase should be, make, and evil, fear, kill each other, the other six, combined with a single line that the “seven emotions”, which is the basic compatibility of medication. There are many drugs, but their sex is only four, their taste is only five, but the function of each drug is similar, different, how to combine these similar or different functions of the organic combination of prescriptions for clinical use, improve efficacy, then It is a subject that doctors must study. Therefore, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the author refers to modern research, combined with clinical experience, the clinical application of drugs in ten aspects are briefly described below. First, the same kind of phase must be used together with drugs of similar efficacy, and a “synergistic” effect occurs to enhance the therapeutic effect. This combination is both principle and flexible, and has wide clinical application. For example: Rhubarb with Glauber’s salt: Rhubarb is bitterly cold and smells heavy