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要向患者和社会说清楚两个道理思想政治工作在布局排阵、凝心聚力、教育职工、形成合力的创新与实践中,要突出三个“新”字。第一,用“新”的政治视野来准确认识“以病人为中心”是社会主义制度本质特征的体现,这与保障人民群众的基本医疗需求具有本质上的一致性。各级医院作为保障人民群众基本医疗需求的卫生机构骨干网络,在任何时候、任何情况下都不能动摇办院方向。第二,用“新”的思维方式完整理解“以病人为中心”是端正办院方向的第一 It is necessary to make it clear to the patients and the society that the two ideological and political work should highlight three “new” characters in the layout and alignment of their ideological and political work, their cohesion, the education of their staff and the joint innovation and practice. First, we should accurately recognize that the “patient-centered” perspective of the “new” political field is the embodiment of the essential characteristics of the socialist system. This is essentially in line with ensuring the basic medical needs of the people. As the backbone network of health institutions that guarantee the basic medical needs of the people at all levels, the hospital orientation can not be shaken any time or under any circumstances. Second, a complete understanding of “new ” way of thinking “patient-centered ” is the first direction
蓝绿通信是目前对潜通信中的一种先进方式。本文重点介绍了这种通信方式的原理及安装方案,并展望了它的发展前景。 Blue-green communications is currently an advanced wa
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本文介绍利用弹丸射击试验数据求取各气动系数的三种常用方法。论述了它们的原理、数学模型,给出了它们的实施步骤及算例,最后比较了它们优缺点。 This article describes t
本文介绍了燃烧武器在战争中的地位和作用及其主要发展趋势。 This article describes the status and role of the burning weapons in the war and its main trends.