With the docking method and the top docking method of grafting cucumbers, the survival rate reached more than 90%, docking method than the docking method survival rate higher by 2.2 to 3.6 percentage points. Compared with the docking method, the docking method reduces the mechanical damage caused by the interface clamp during the grafting process and the process of removing the needling and husking seedlings after grafting, which has a high survival rate and improves the utilization rate of the rootstock, and the biggest advantage is that the wound healing is quick Grafting seedlings grow strong, the interface is high, not easy to produce adventitious roots, reducing the extent of soil disseminated from the interface of the bacteria to facilitate early colonization and management. In the grafting operation and then management of cucumber top plug method are better than the docking method, which has a higher promotional value in the production practice.