乘风破浪 扬帆远航 熟悉中国造船业的人们清楚地记得,在1982年,我国造船产量世界排名仅在17位。到1994年,我国造船产量一举超过德国,仅次于韩国和日本,从此一直稳居世界第三位。2003年,我国造船业捷报频传:船舶出口首次突破30亿美元,达30.22亿美元,一次跨越20亿美元和30亿美元两个台阶造船吨位接近650万吨,首次达到了全球份额的10%。目前,在全球新增船舶中,每10艘就有1艘是中国生产的,船舶工业已成为我国具有较强国际竞争力的机电产品出口支柱产业之一。
Wind and Wave Sailing People familiar with China’s shipbuilding industry clearly remember that in 1982, China ranked the world leader in shipbuilding production only at 17th. By 1994, China’s shipbuilding output surpassed Germany in one fell swoop, second only to South Korea and Japan, and has consistently ranked third in the world. In 2003, China’s shipbuilding industry was reported in succession: for the first time, its ship exports exceeded 3 billion U.S. dollars to 3.022 billion U.S. dollars. At a two-stage leap forward of 2 billion U.S. dollars and 3 billion U.S. dollars, the shipbuilding tonnage reached nearly 6.5 million tons, reaching 10% of the global share for the first time. At present, one out of 10 ships newly added to the world is produced in China, and the shipbuilding industry has become one of the pillar export industries of electromechanical products with strong international competitiveness in China.