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成都历史文化名城的规划建设必须揭示和正视“保护与发展”这一对深刻的矛盾。在城市现代化建设和西部大开发的新形势下,首先应在城市领导和全体市民中树立科学的“保护与发展”价值观念;其次应坚定不移地疏解成都旧城功能,发展向东向南的城市新区;第三则必须依照系统理论科学地构建历史遗产保护与展现两个体系,按现行行政体制分解落实其相关职责,从而使遗产保护与展现真正进入政府的日常工作程序,化整为零又聚零成整,通过创建一个良好的富于历史与地方文化特色的城市形象,达到“保护与发展”这一长期持续之目标。 The planning and construction of a historical and cultural city in Chengdu must reveal and face the profound contradiction between protection and development. In the new situation of urban modernization and the development of the western region, we should first establish a scientific concept of “protection and development” among city leaders and the general public. Second, we must unravel the function of Chengdu’s old city and develop it to the east. The third is the new urban area in the south; the third must scientifically construct two systems of protection and display of historical heritage in accordance with system theory, and decompose and implement relevant responsibilities according to the current administrative system, so as to protect the heritage and demonstrate the daily working procedures that truly enter the government. Integrity and integration into a whole, through the creation of a good urban image with rich historical and local cultural characteristics, to achieve “protection and development” this long-term sustainable goal.
自尊自爱的人不可不读《庄子》。    庄子是我国古代的圣哲。他在靠编草鞋度日的贫困处境中,心胸却出奇的博大,向往的是大鹏振翅翱翔于九万里碧空。当诸多圣贤在那里没完没了地向君王和诸侯们说教怎样“治人”的时候,庄子却背对君主面向大众,虔诚而又恳切地劝告平民百姓如何自救与解脱,如何在一片喧嚣中保持心灵的淡泊与宁静,如何在丑恶多罪的环境中树立起内心世界的自尊与自爱,以不丧失人的本性。  自尊与自爱是一个人