导语 3月,财政部在京召开加强和规范资产评估管理工作会议,发出了资产评估行业全面检查的动员令。几个月来,在部领导的亲切关怀、企业司的精心指导、检查办的积极努力下,检查工作如火如荼地开展起来。在炎热的夏季里,检查人员的工作热情却胜过炎炎烈日,检查工作正在一步步扎实有序地展开。
In March, the Ministry of Finance convened a working conference on strengthening and standardizing asset evaluation and management in Beijing, and issued a mobilization order for a comprehensive examination of the asset valuation industry. In the past few months, with the cordial care of the ministry leaders, the meticulous guidance of the enterprise secretary and the vigorous efforts of the inspection office, inspection work has been carried out in full swing. In the hot summer, inspectors work enthusiasm is better than the scorching sun, the inspection work is being carried out step by step in a solid and orderly manner.