Hedging is the main function of derivative financial instruments. However, due to the leverage, complexity and speculation of derivative financial instruments, it has the natural attributes of high yield and high risk. Improper use, rash or excessive speculation is likely to cause huge losses to the enterprise. Zhuye Metallurgical futures incident, the State Reserve Copper Futures incident, the painful lessons of the CNAC oil option incident also makes people remember the great impact of the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 broke out, can not help but regulators and businesses have heard “line ” color change. However, we can not doubt or even deny the positive effects of derivative financial instruments on the basis of individual historical events. The purpose of creating derivative financial instruments is to hedge the risks. The effectiveness depends on the users rather than the tools themselves. Therefore, in light of the overwhelming news coverage of the huge losses caused by the use of derivative financial instruments, we need to conduct a calm analysis and reflection on the status quo and feasibility of enterprises using hedging instruments for hedging.