
来源 :临床血液学杂志(输血与检验) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meilin116
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随着医疗改革的不断深入,医院床位不断增长,临床血液需求迅猛增加,各地血液供应出现巨大压力。固定献血者既可以保障血源,又可以降低所采血液的不合格比例。据我中心统计,我地区2008-2012年固定献血者中农民数量连续增长,2011年农民已经成为固定献血者中的中坚力量。了解农村居民无偿献血意愿,分析农村居民对无偿 With the continuous deepening of medical reform, the hospital beds continue to grow, the clinical blood demand has rapidly increased, and there is enormous pressure on the blood supply across the country. Blood donors can not only secure blood supply, but also reduce the proportion of failed blood collected. According to my center’s statistics, the number of fixed blood donors in our region continued to increase from 2008 to 2012, and in 2011, farmers have become the backbone of fixed blood donors. Understand the willingness of rural residents to donate blood, analysis of rural residents on the unpaid
患者,女,50岁,反复巩膜黄染、头晕、乏力6年,加重2周入院。患者有自身免疫性溶血性贫血(Autoimmune hemolytic anemia,AIHA)病史6年,长期服泼尼松治疗,现停药2年。近2周患者