基于MDR TDMA(Multi serviceDynamicReservation TDMA)的无线ATM多址接入控制协议包括两个主要的过程 ,即请求报文的接入和信息时隙的分配过程。对于前者 ,通过基于帧的自适应伪贝叶斯ALOHA算法 ,在保证请求报文最优吞吐率的条件下 ,实现了不同优先级的请求报文接入。对于后者 ,着重分析了以视频会议为模型的VBR业务的带宽分配 ,提出了一种新的带宽分配方法———Minmax算法 ,并将它的仿真结果与线性比例算法进行比较。
The wireless multi-access multiple access control protocol based on MDR TDMA (Multi serviceDynamicReservation TDMA) includes two main processes, namely, the request message access and the information time slot assignment process. For the former, through the frame-based adaptive pseudo-Bayesian ALOHA algorithm, access requests with different priorities are realized under the condition of ensuring the optimal throughput of the request message. For the latter, the bandwidth allocation of VBR service taking videoconferencing as the model is emphatically analyzed. A new bandwidth allocation method --- Minmax algorithm is proposed, and its simulation results are compared with the linear scaling algorithm.