“寒夜客来茶当酒,”或大宴,或小聚,茶是待客的必备之物。 茶不仅清咽明目,除燥生津,还能解酒利尿,美容润肤。中国是茶的故乡,时逢新春佳节,更应与茶共舞.与茶同乐。探亲拜友少不了提上一份茶叶,既喜庆也亲切。如何鉴别茶叶的好与坏?如何泡制一份浓香四溢的茶饮料?又如何饮茶?这里面有着很深的学问和理论。
“Cold night guest tea,” or banquets, or gatherings, tea is an essential part of hospitality. Tea not only clear eyesight, in addition to dry Jin, but also hangover diuretic, cosmetic emollients. China is the hometown of tea, and every Spring Festival should dance with tea. To visit relatives and friends and ultimately to mention a tea, both festive and cordial. How to identify the good and bad tea? How to brew a fragrant tea drink? And how to drink tea? There is a deep knowledge and theory.