
来源 :江苏农业学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaowoyiao
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从水稻、大豆、玉米、棉花等病株分离所得的镰刀菌 ,经鉴定大多数为串珠镰刀菌 ,而田间水稻种子上的串珠镰刀菌带菌率在 5 %以下。来源于不同寄主的菌株色素存在差异。各种寄主上不同菌株生长速率的变异系数不同 ,水稻上的菌株变异系数最大 (2 1 .90 % ) ,其它菌株则较小 ,菌株的生长速率在寄主间存在显著差异。不同试剂对菌株产孢能力影响的测定结果表明 ,培养基中含氨基酸、铵盐和磷酸盐都能促进产孢 ,而含氯化锂、吐温、脲、乙二醇胺、蛋白胨、甘油、酵母膏等物质则抑制菌株产孢 ,尤以乙二醇胺抑制效果最明显。菌株培养滤液对水稻种子胚根伸长影响的测定结果表明 ,处理浓度间差异达极显著 ,而菌株间、寄主间差异则不显著 Fusarium strains isolated from diseased plants such as rice, soybean, maize and cotton were identified as Fusarium moniliforme, while Fusarium moniliforme in the field was less than 5%. Pigments from different host strains differed. The coefficients of variation of growth rates of different strains on different hosts were different. The coefficient of variation of rice strains was the largest (21.90%), while the others were smaller. The growth rate of the strains was significantly different among the hosts. The results of the determination of the spore formation ability of different reagents showed that the culture medium containing amino acids, ammonium salts and phosphates all promoted the sporulation, while those containing lithium chloride, Tween, urea, glycol amine, peptone, glycerin, Yeast paste and other substances inhibit sporulation strains, especially the most obvious inhibitory effect of ethylene glycol amine. The results of the determination of the effect of the culture filtrate on the elongation of the rice seed radicle showed that the difference between the treatment concentrations was extremely significant, while the difference between the strains and the host was not significant