一方领袖 任县革命先辈刘子厚

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冀南人民有着悠久的革命斗争传统,在中国共产党的影响下,于1925年先后在邢台四师、大名七师、冀县六师建立了中共党组织,从此点燃起革命的星星之火。1935年,中共冀南特委决定在河北南部发动农民举行武装起义。8 月底,冀南农民暴动普遍展开,并建立了工农红军平汉线游击队,由刘子厚、王光华、郭森等领导,分别在滏西的任县、尧山、隆平一带和南宫、巨鹿、广宗一带开展游击战争,队伍总共700多人,拥有枪支500多支。至12月间,冀南各地抗日反蒋斗争和分粮吃大户运动风起云涌,冀南游击队迅速发展到1100多人,拥有900多支枪。根据冀南特委指示,1936 年1月28日,平汉线游击队在广宗县李家庄扩建为“华北人民抗日讨贼救国军”第1军第1师,刘子厚、王光华分任正副师长。1935年冬天起,国民党当局派出几万军队,进驻大名、磁县、邯郸、邢台等地,大肆屠杀和镇压救国军。1936年2月,轰轰烈烈的冀南农民游击战争被剿杀。“冀南暴动”历时一年多,波澜壮阔,声热浩大,有力地打击了反动势力,产生了深远的影响。 Under the influence of the Communist Party of China, the people in southern Hebei Province established the party organization of the CPC in 1925 in the fourth division of Xingtai, the 7th division of the Great Hall of Fame and the 6th division of Ji County, thus igniting the fire of the revolution. In 1935, the CPC Jinan Committee decided to launch a peasant uprising in southern Hebei. By the end of August, the peasant riots in south Hebei started in general and the guerrillas of the Ping Han Line of Workers and Peasants’ Red Army troops were established. Leaders such as Liu Zihou, Wang Guanghua and Guo Sen led the development of Rennan County, Yaoshan and Longping areas and Nangong, Julu, Guangzong area guerrilla war, a total of more than 700 teams, with more than 500 guns. By December, the anti-Japanese and anti-Chiang struggles in various areas in southern Hebei Province and the large-scale movement of sub-grain-eating big people surged. The guerrillas in southern Hebei Province rapidly developed to more than 1,100 with more than 900 guns. According to the instructions of the Jinan Special Commission, January 28, 1936, the Ping Han Line guerrillas expanded in Lijiazhuang, Guangzong County to become the 1st Division 1 Army of the 1st Army in North China People’s Anti-Japanese Symposium to Save the National Army, and Liu Zihou and Wang Guanghua were both deputy heads. Since the winter of 1935, the KMT authorities sent tens of thousands of troops and stationed in Daming, Cixian, Handan and Xingtai areas, massacring and suppressing the national army. In February 1936, the vigorous peasant guerrilla warfare in southern Hebei was exterminated. The “uprising in southern Hebei Province” lasted for more than a year and brought a profound impact with its magnificent and loud voice and massive blow to the reactionary forces.
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