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计算机教学是一门新型的课程,学科发展快,实践性强,它能综合处理声音、图像、文字、动画等,它带来了一场全新的技术革命,在教学史上具有里程碑意义。着力探究欠发达地区中小学计算机发展现状和存在的问题,并提出针对性的对策。经济欠发达地区,是计算机教育教学的谷底。地方政府教育现代化的意识不高,难以保证对教育现代化的重视和对学校教育现代化所需的投入。学生计算机学习兴趣发生偏向,教学出现误区。要改变必须多方面采取措施。 Computer teaching is a new type of course. Its disciplines are fast developing and practical. It can comprehensively process sounds, images, texts and animations. It brings a brand new technological revolution and has a milestone in teaching history. Efforts to explore the status quo and existing problems of computer development in primary and secondary schools in less developed areas, and put forward targeted countermeasures. Underdeveloped areas are the cornerstone of computer education and teaching. The awareness of local government education modernization is not high, it is difficult to guarantee the importance of education modernization and the investment needed for the modernization of school education. Student interest in computer learning bias, teaching errors appear. To change, we must take various measures.
教育是人类社会得以发展和延续的重要手段,人们关于如何教育、由谁教育、教育什么等核心问题的讨论常常是众说纷纭、分歧丛生。艾米·古特曼(Amy Gutmann)是当代著名的政治理