求递推数列通项在高考及各类数学竞赛中既是一个重点 ,又是一个难点 .成为难点的原因 ,就是求通项的方法多 ,技巧性强 ,学生不易掌握 .这里将介绍通过递推式的变换求数列通项的几种较典型的方法 .类型一 归纳—猜想—证明由数列的递推公式可写出数列的前几项 ,再由前几项总结?
It is not only a key but also a difficult point to solve the general problem in the college entrance examination and various types of math competitions. The reason for becoming a difficult point is that there are many ways to find a pass item, and the skills are strong and difficult for students to master. Here we will introduce recursion. There are several typical methods of transforming a sequence of general terms. Type 1 Induction—Conjecture—Prove that the recursive formula of a series can write the first few items of a series, and then summarize the first few items.