Whether the research object (material) is chosen correctly or not will not only affect the credibility of the research (survey) results, but also determine whether the conclusions can be obtained. Therefore, the correct choice of subjects (materials) is to complete each of the basis of scientific research. One of the authors in the “hospital hepatitis B surface antigen contamination survey”, select “used ear lobe blood scraping film, oral and obstetrics and gynecology instruments” for the investigation of the material. The author’s intention is to discover the significance of medical devices as iatrogenic vectors of hepatitis B by detecting the contamination of these devices with HBsAg. The detection of postoperative medical devices HBsAg can indeed prompt the possibility of medical devices as a hepatitis B transmission medium, but the author overlooks the fact that these contaminated devices are severely sterilized before they are used again. If disinfection is complete, the detection of HBsAg in used medical devices does not necessarily lead to the spread of HBsAg, ie, these survey materials do not reflect the epidemiological significance of hospital-acquired hepatitis B surface antigen contamination. So how to choose the right respondents? The choice of respondents should follow the principle is: to ensure that from the respondents to obtain the necessary