村规民约是农村村民共同制定的一种自我教育、自我管理的社会自治规范,是法律在农村的一种补充手段。目前我国农村村规民约的制定、执行还存在着许多正待解决的问题,主要表现在: 1、村规民约的制定程序违法。村规民约在制定程序上的违法性具体表现在以下三方面:(1) 村规民约根据基层政府的要求制定。很多地方的村规民约不是根据村民的意愿和要求制定的,而是根据“上级指示和要求”制定的,使村规民约成为一种不为群众所拥护的
Village regulations and civil covenants are self-regulated and self-governing norms of social self-regulation formulated by rural villagers and are a complementary means of law in rural areas. At present, there are still many problems to be solved in the formulation and implementation of China’s rural village rules and regulations, which are mainly manifested in the following aspects: 1) The procedure for formulating the village rules and regulations is illegal. Village regulations in the development of procedural illegality embodied in the following three aspects: (1) village rules and regulations in accordance with the requirements of grass-roots government to develop. In many parts of the village rules and regulations is not based on the villagers’ wishes and requirements formulated, but according to “higher level instructions and requirements ” formulated to make the village rules and regulations become a kind of not for the masses