新疆和平解放是在人民解放军向全国和西北胜利进军的形势下,由多方面因素促成的。 一、人民解放军重兵压境是新疆和平解放的首要原因。 1948年9月至1949年1月底,人民解放军相继举行了辽沈、平津、淮海三大战役,歼敌154万多。国共和谈破裂后,人民解放军迅速南下,解放南京、武汉、上海等地,在向华南、西南进军的同时,也挥戈西进。1949年5月下旬,第一野战军攻占西安及关中广大地区后,会同华北野战军的18.19两兵团于7月发动扶眉战役,歼灭胡宗南主力43000余人,残部逃亡甘肃,
The peaceful liberation of Xinjiang was promoted by various factors under the situation that the PLA march toward the victory of the entire country and the northwest. First, the pressure of heavy fighting by the People’s Liberation Army is the primary reason for the peaceful liberation in Xinjiang. From September 1948 to the end of January 1949, the People’s Liberation Army held the three major campaigns of Liaoshen, Pingjin and Huaihai and wiped out more than 1.54 million of them. After the Kuomintang-Communist peace talks broke down, the People’s Liberation Army rapidly moved southward to liberate Nanjing, Wuhan and Shanghai, and at the same time they marched toward south China and southwest China. In late May 1949, after the First Field Army seized vast areas in Xi’an and Guanzhong, it launched the campaign of helping the two armed groups of the North China Field Army in July and wiped out the main force of Hu Zongnan by more than 43,000 people and fleeing their remnants to Gansu,