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大多数期刊实行编采合一制度,所以,期刊编辑又往往兼作记者。这种工作性质决定,对期刊编辑的要求更高更全面。那么,什么样的编辑才算合格的期刊编辑呢?对此,出版界的大家们早就从道德修养、理论基础,写作水平等等方面提出了真知灼见。应该说,要成为合格的编辑,这些基本素养是必备的。本文想根据我从事期刊工作以来的体会,谈点补充意见。我认为仅仅具备了这些素养,只是有了做好编辑工作的可能。只有在此基础上进一步形成必备的能力,才能适应工作的要求,完成工作任务,才算合格的编辑。至少应该形成以下五种能力。 一、理性思维能力 思维能力是正常人都具有的能力。但是,理性思维能力却不能人人具备。因为,它不仅要求一定要有丰富的理论知识,有很好的理论素养,而且要求能在理论的指导下,把在实践中获得的感情材料进行分析,经过去粗取精,去伪存真,由此及彼,由表及里的深入加工,取得对事物本质的即规律性的认识。从事期刊编辑工作的同志,不论编辑哪种性质的刊物,采用何种表现形式,都是引导人们对自然界,对社会发展规律有正确的认识,从而减少盲目性,提高自觉性,把事情办好,促进社会的迅速发展。要引导别人正确认识事物,正确认识社会,自己必须具有正确认识事物的能力。以 Most journals adopt a compilation and editing system, so periodical editors tend to double as journalists. The nature of this work determines that the requirements for journal editors are higher and more comprehensive. So, what kind of editors to be considered qualified journal editors do? In response, everyone in the publishing industry has long been from the morality, theoretical basis, level of writing and so on. It should be said that these basic literary qualifications are necessary to become qualified editors. This article is based on my experience in the periodicals, talk to add opinions. I think only have these qualities, but have the possibility of doing editing work. Only on this basis can we further form the necessary capabilities to be able to meet the requirements of our work and to complete the work tasks before being qualified editors. At least the following five capabilities should be formed. First, the rational thinking ability Thinking ability is normal people have the ability. However, the capacity for rational thinking can not be met by everyone. Because it requires not only rich theoretical knowledge, good theoretical accomplishment, but also requires that under the guidance of the theory, the emotional material obtained in practice can be analyzed, From the table and the depth of processing, to obtain the nature of things that regularity. Comrades engaged in editorial work of journals, regardless of the nature of their editors, adopt any form of expression that guides people to have a correct understanding of the laws of nature and the law of society so as to reduce their blindness, improve their consciousness and do a good job in handling matters , Promote the rapid development of society. To guide others to correctly understand things and correctly understand the society, they must have the ability to correctly understand things. To
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