严重烧伤患者深静脉置管是预防烧伤休克、监测血流动力学变化和进行静脉营养支持的重要途径和手段。虽然深静脉置管已经被广泛应用,但目前尚无标准和规范化的操作和管理流程。为更科学、更规范化地指导严重烧伤患者深静脉置管的操作和管理,本共识编写组组织以中华医学会烧伤外科学分会第十届委员为主的国内烧伤界专家主要从深静脉导管类型及置管部位的选择、置管操作方法、导管维护、导管相关性并发症的预防和处理等方面讨论形成本共识,以期为严重烧伤患者的深静脉置管的操作和管理提供实践依据和指导。“,”Deep vein catheterization is an important method to prevent and treat burn shock in severe burn patients, monitor hemodynamic changes and provide venous nutritional support. Although deep vein catheterization has been applied widely, there is no standard operation and management process. In order to guide the operation and management of deep vein catheterization in severe burn patients in a more scientific and standard manner, the consensus writing group organized domestic experts in burn field, most of whom are members of the 10th Committee of Chinese Burn Association to discuss manly in selection of deep vein catheter and the catheterization site, the method of catheterization operation, catheter maintenance, and prevention and treatment of catheter-related complications. This consensus would provide practical basis and guidance for the operation and management of deep vein catheterization in severe burned patients.