光男单一个项目,报名人数就超过130多人,并且云集了毛亮、杨明、李俊崎、宝力高、叶子豪等国内顶尖业余高手,这项赛事到底具有怎样的魅力,让众多选手如此趋之若鹜?1 6月29号,“2013金地大师杯”在杭州西子湖畔的黄龙体育中心拉开战幕。比赛设男子单打、男子双打和混合双打三个项目,其中男子单打最为火爆,128人的编制,吸引130多人报名参赛。考虑到选手参赛的积极性,组委会只好让“超编”选手加赛一轮争夺正赛资格。签表中,赫然出现了毛亮、杨明、李俊崎、宝力高、叶子豪等国内一流业余高手。“2013金地大师杯”总奖金高达十多万元,单项冠军奖金
A single light project, the number of applicants on more than 130 people, and gathered Mao Liang, Yang Ming, Lee Joon-chi, Bao Li Gao, Ye Hao and other top amateur master of the race in the end what kind of charm, so many players So in vain? 1 June 29, “2013 Golden Globe Master Cup ” in Hangzhou West Lake Huanglong Sports Center opened the battle. Men’s singles competition, men’s doubles and mixed doubles three projects, including men’s singles the most popular, 128-person preparation, attracting more than 130 entries. Taking into account the enthusiasm of the contestants participating, the organizing committee had to let “superscription ” players play a race for the race qualifications. Signature table, impressively appeared Mao Liang, Yang Ming, Li Junqi, Bao Li Gao, Ye Hao and other domestic first-class amateur master. “2013 Golden Earth Masters Cup ” total prize money up to more than one hundred thousand yuan, individual champion prize