说到马兰士,一直以来大家对它的认识基本上都是停留在Hi-Fi音响及影院器材之上,却不知道它在专业卡拉OK器材上的实力。在2008年白天鹅音响展上,马兰士曾一口气推出了5款卡拉OK新品。或许有人会觉得奇怪,为什么马兰士要推出卡拉OK器材呢?其原因是唱K在亚洲一直是男女老少最喜欢的休闲方式之一,而且我们也发现越来越多的家庭影院视听室中部配备了卡拉OK系统,可见其市场潜力的巨大。最近,我终于有机会对旗舰级别的MZK88功放、MKW500超低音音箱、MKSV900中置音箱以及最新的MKS 1000MK2音箱进行测评,并可以此机会K歌一番。
Speaking of Marantz, everyone has always been aware of it are basically stuck in the Hi-Fi audio and theater equipment, but do not know its strength in professional karaoke equipment. At the 2008 White Swan Sound Show, Marantz introduced five new karaoke products in quick succession. Perhaps some people will find it strange why Marantz karaoke equipment to launch it? The reason is that singing K in Asia has been one of the most popular leisure lifestyle for men, women and children, and we also found more and more home theater audio-visual room equipped with central Kara OK system, we can see the huge market potential. Recently I finally got a chance to test the flagship MZK88 amplifier, MKW500 subwoofer, MKSV900 center speaker and the latest MKS 1000MK2 speaker.