在《资本论》教学中突出其方法论的教学是笔者多年来的一贯追求。具体做法是 :在序言部分从总体上勾勒出唯物史观和辩证法统御下的《资本论》方法论体系的框架结构 ;在正文部分具体剖析方法论在马克思对资本主义社会经济形态研究和叙述中的运用 ;以《资本论》的基本观点和方法之“矢”、射重大现实经济问题之“的”。实践证明 ,这种做法提高了课堂教学的效果 ;培养了学生观察问题、提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力
In the “capital” teaching highlighting the methodology of teaching is my consistent pursuit for many years. The concrete approach is as follows: in the preface, it generalizes the frame structure of the methodology of capitalism under the control of historical materialism and dialectics; and analyzes the methodology in the body part in the research and narration of Marx’s economic form of capitalism Use the basic concepts and methods of “capitalism” as the “vector” and focus on the issues of major real economic issues. Practice has proved that this practice improves the effectiveness of classroom teaching; students develop the ability to observe problems, raise questions, analyze problems and solve problems