腰间盘突出症是以腰腿痛为主要临床症状的常见病,多发病,而晚期胆囊癌肿腰椎转移以腰腿痛为首发症状,往往因上述两种病症的临床表现相似造成误诊。本文2例,报告如下: 例1,李××,女,52岁。以腰部酸痛伴左下肢麻痛2个月入院。查体;腰椎4、5骶椎1棘突旁压痛阳性,叩击痛阳性.沿左侧坐骨神经走行处压痛阳性,左侧直腿抬高试验35°,加强试验阳性。左侧小腿外侧及足面部,趾根部皮肤感觉减弱,左侧拇力减弱,左侧膝反射,跟腱反射正常。
Lumbar disc herniation is a common disease with low back pain as the main clinical symptom. It is frequently diagnosed. Late stage gallbladder cancer lumbar vertebrae metastases with lumbar and leg pain as the first symptom, often due to the clinical manifestations of the above two diseases are similar to misdiagnosis. In this article, two cases are reported as follows: Example 1, Li X, female, 52 years old. He was admitted to the hospital with lumbar pain for 2 months with left lower limb numbness. Physical examination; Lumbar spine 4, 5 spine 1 Spinal paracentesis tenderness positive, pungent pain positive. Along the left side of the sciatic nerve at the tenderness positive, the left straight leg raising test 35 °, to strengthen the test positive. On the left side of the lower leg and on the foot and foot, the skin at the base of the toes weakened, the left thumb was weakened, the left knee was reflexed, and the tendon reflex was normal.