目的调查合肥市青少年及育龄妇女落实避孕措施的情况,分析避孕失败的原因,寻求更有效的避孕方法,降低因非意愿妊娠的人工流产率。方法在签署终止妊娠同意书的同时,以问答方式对600例要求人工流产的妇女进行面对面问卷调查。结果 600例研究对象中未婚329例,占54.83%;已婚271例,占45.17%。本次妊娠中没有采取任何避孕措施而造成非愿意妊娠占30.50%,忽略避孕占25.17%。平素性生活过程中没有采取任何避孕措施占17.66%,有采取各种避孕措施占82.34%。结论青少年和育龄妇女避孕意识淡薄,缺乏科学避孕知识,避孕失败率较高。
Objective To investigate the implementation of contraceptive measures among adolescents and women of childbearing age in Hefei, analyze the causes of contraceptive failure, seek more effective methods of contraception, and reduce the rate of induced abortion due to unwanted pregnancies. Methods At the same time of signing the written consent of termination of pregnancy, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 600 women who asked for abortion. Results Among 600 subjects, 329 were unmarried, accounting for 54.83%; 271 married, accounting for 45.17%. This pregnancy did not take any contraceptive measures caused by unwanted pregnancy accounted for 30.50%, ignoring contraception accounted for 25.17%. In the process of ordinary sexual life, no contraceptive measures were taken and accounted for 17.66%, 82.34% of all contraceptive measures were taken. Conclusion Adolescent and childbearing women have a low awareness of contraception, lack of knowledge of scientific contraception and high contraceptive failure rate.