我国对氯气急性中毒已有诊断标准,但目前对氯气慢性中毒的诊断标准还未制定,然而河北省接触氯气的职工就近10万人,全国上百万,慢性职业性危害不应忽视。本文想予通过对近些年来各地对氯气慢性职业危害的研究状况及内部资料报道加以综合分析,以便更好的防、诊、治氯气带来的危害,并为此提供科学依据。 1.80年代对氦气慢性职业危害的认识氯为黄绿色、具有强刺激性的气体,原子量35.45,比重2.49,沸点—33.7℃,可溶于水和碱液。它是一种强氧化剂,遇水生成次氯酸和盐酸。氯是粘膜及呼吸系统刺激剂,被吸收后与体内水分反应形成酸、盐酸、次氯酸,次氯酸又分解为盐酸和新生态氧,引起上呼吸道粘膜炎性肿胀,充血或
China has a diagnostic criteria for acute poisoning of chlorine, but the current diagnostic criteria for chronic chlorine poisoning have not yet been formulated, but workers in Hebei Province contacted chlorine nearly 100,000 people across the country, chronic occupational hazards should not be ignored. This article wants to make a comprehensive analysis of the research status of chronic occupational hazards of chlorine and internal data in various places in recent years in order to better prevent the hazards caused by chlorine and chlorine treatment and to provide a scientific basis for this. 1. 80 years of chronic occupational hazards of helium Chlorine is yellow-green, with strong irritating gases, atomic weight 35.45, the proportion of 2.49, the boiling point of -33.7 ℃, soluble in water and lye. It is a strong oxidizer, generating hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid in case of water. Chlorine is a mucosal and respiratory stimulant that is absorbed and reacts with the body’s moisture to form acids, hydrochloric acid, hypochlorous acid, and hypochlorous acid, which decompose into hydrochloric acid and nascent oxygen that cause inflammatory swelling of the upper respiratory tract mucosa, hyperemia or