普通话儿化音节的结构分析在目前的现代汉语教学中形成教学“死角”的原因大致有三 :一是当作音变处理 ;二是操作较复杂 ;三是儿化音节有待规范。明确地进行儿化音节结构分析的教学 ,至少有三个好处 :一是可澄清一些对儿化音节的模糊认识 ;二是可巩固掌握汉语音节分析的科学方法 ;三是可丰富汉语语音教学的内容。文章并对《汉语拼音方案》中“韵母表”第 (2 )条说明提出了修改意见。
Structural Analysis of Pedagogical Syllabic Structures There are three main reasons for the formation of teaching “dead ends” in modern Chinese teaching: one is treated as phonetic change; the other is complicated; and the other is that pediatric syllables need to be standardized. There are at least three benefits to clarifying pedagogic syllabic structure teaching explicitly: one is to clarify some vague awareness of children’s syllables; the other is to consolidate and master the scientific methods of Chinese syllable analysis; the other is to enrich the content of Chinese phonetic teaching . The article also proposed amendments to the explanation of Article (2) of “Vowel Table” in “Hanyu Pinyin Scheme”.