
来源 :贵州农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mawenxing8155
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为氨基酸水溶肥和腐殖酸水溶肥在烤烟生产上的应用提供参考,以烤烟品种K326为材料,在云南省3个代表性烟区,研究施用氨基酸水溶肥(根健、拜农圃田)和腐殖酸水溶肥(氨基沃根钾宝、根宜生、速芭)对土壤理化性质及烟叶品质的影响。结果表明:在常规施肥(对照)的基础上,增施氨基酸水溶肥和腐植酸水溶肥对植烟土壤及烟叶品质影响不同。氨基酸水溶肥更有利于增加土壤微生物数量、改善烟叶化学成分协调性和抽吸品质,以拜农圃田的效果更佳;腐植酸水溶肥在改善土壤养分状况、促进烟株植物学性状、提高经济产量和产值方面效果较佳,以氨基沃根钾宝表现较优,在石林、楚雄和景东烟区烟叶产量分别较对照提高8.57%、11.58%和5.30%,产值较对照提高11.7%、5.4%和8.81%。 Amino acid water-soluble fertilizer and humic acid water-soluble fertilizer in the production of flue-cured tobacco to provide a reference to flue-cured tobacco varieties K326 as material, in three representative tobacco areas in Yunnan Province, research and application of amino acid water-soluble fertilizer And humic acid water-soluble fertilizer (Amino-WKG potassium, root should be Health, Speed ​​Pakistan) on soil physical and chemical properties and leaf quality. The results showed that on the basis of conventional fertilization (control), the effects of adding amino acid water-soluble fertilizer and humic acid water-soluble fertilizer on the quality of tobacco planting soil and tobacco were different. Amino acid water-soluble fertilizer is more conducive to increase the amount of soil microorganisms to improve the chemical composition of tobacco leaf smoking and smoking quality coordination to improve the efficiency of field nursery; humic acid water-soluble fertilizer to improve soil nutrient status and promote tobacco plant botanical traits, improve Economic yield and output value of the better, to Avalokiteszurum better performance in Shilin, Chuxiong and Jingdong tobacco production increased by 8.57%, 11.58% and 5.30% respectively, the output value increased 11.7% compared with the control, 5.4% and 8.81%.
尽管我们期望儿子将来能出人头地,可这几年,在动辄便要光临医院这一点上,儿子没有显示出不凡之处。对他来说,生个小毛小病的,吃药还不成问题,一旦需要打针可就麻烦了。  尚在襁褓之中时,儿子有过两_次被抱进医院的经历之后,便对穿白大褂的医生、护士产生了强烈的畏惧和戒备心理,每次经过医院门口便心绪不宁,若是面对医生、护士必定哇哇哭闹,必要时给儿子打针更是我们煞费心思的事。直到儿子长到两岁,经过我们反复解释