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生命是宝贵的,人的一生就只有一次生命,我们应该爱惜生命。而我们幼儿的生命是含苞欲放的花朵,即将绽出迷人的光彩,美丽却又娇弱,更应好好珍惜,不要让它过早地凋谢。一、把安全工作放在首位对于幼儿园来说“安全”更是重中之重。严把晨检关,消除安全隐患是幼儿教师一天工作的重中之重。晨检时,要认真询问,仔细检查幼儿带来的物品,特别是坚 Life is precious, human life is only one life, we should cherish life. The life of our young children is Hanbaoyuhua flowers, the forthcoming charming charming luster, beautiful but delicate, it should cherish, do not let it wither prematurely. First, the safety work in the first place For kindergarten “safety ” is the most important. Strict inspection of the morning, the elimination of security risks is the most important task for kindergarten teachers day. Morning seizure, we should seriously ask, carefully check the items brought by children, especially Kennedy
China’s steel blast furnaces are hot, too hot, operating at an overcapacity that will be exacerbated amid the economic slowdown.  The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) recently approve
让飞速旋转的去飞速旋转吧,让一日千里的去一日千里吧,真正的人生需要的是从容地行走,细细地感受,需要脚踏实地、一步一个脚印地前行。    人活着就是为了在世上行走。人能够迈开两条腿堂堂正正地走,不必像蜗牛、乌龟、蛇、壁虎那样怪模怪样地爬行,这是自然对人类的特殊恩宠。人类的高贵和尊严在很大程度上来自于直立行走。试想,人类如果只能在地上用肚皮爬行,或者像一般的动物那样用四只脚行走,我们有可能进化到今天这
The People’s Bank of China, the central bank, just took a major step in the market-oriented reform of interest rates, but it’s difficult to say how far the government can go with the reform.  The cent
儿童多动综合征 ,又名注意障碍、多动综合征 (ADHD) ,是儿童时期常见的一种行为障碍 ,以动作过多 ,注意力不集中为突出症状 ,多伴有不同程度的学习困难 ,以及其他一些行为问
Amid the rhythmic tap-dance of production inside Neiliansheng’s factory in Xicheng District of Beijing, He Kaiying, a master of Neiliansheng cloth shoes, was teaching an apprentice to draw the outline
Jiangyong County, a remote place in central China’s Hunan Province, has been gathering more attention due to a strange-looking language passed down exclusively by women for hundreds of years.  The lan