刚刚经过了国庆长假,广州市发烧友迎来了一个喜讯,由香港威达带来的dCS Rossini数码系列来到了典雅音乐花园音乐厅实地发布演示。这是英国数码第一的dCS Rossini发烧级数码产品系列,在技术上为高清串流制式架设完善的播放渠道的高端产品。10月7号下午2:30,音乐厅座无虚席,媒体朋友和爱乐人士欢聚一堂,全程见证了dCS Rossini发烧级数码产品的真实魅力。在专业和民用范畴同样拥有领导性地位的英国数
Just after the National Day holiday, Guangzhou enthusiasts ushered in a good news, brought by the Hong Kong ICP DVCS Rossini digital series came to the elegant music garden concert hall field demo. This is the number one dCS Rossini enthusiast digital product line, technically high-definition streaming system set up a perfect high-end playback channels. At 2:30 pm on October 7, the Concert Hall was packed and media friends and Philharmonic gathered to witness the true charm of the dCS Rossini enthusiast digital products. The number of UKs that also hold the leading position in the professional and civilian sectors