近年来,锯缘青蟹养殖得到了很大发展,养殖的水面主要集中在盐度适宜的潮间带水域。随着农业产业结构的调整,河口地区的众多低盐度水域亟待开发。由于青蟹耐低盐能力较强,因此可作为低盐度池塘养殖的开发对象之一。本试验就是为了探索出一套可在低盐度条件下养殖青蟹的实用技术,以便指导低盐度地区发展青蟹养殖业。现将2000~2001年的试验结果报告如下:1 材料与方法
In recent years, serrata crab farming has been greatly developed aquaculture water mainly concentrated in the salinity of the intertidal waters. With the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure, many low-salinity waters in the estuary area need to be developed urgently. Due to its ability to tolerate low salt, Blue crab can be used as one of the development targets for low salinity pond culture. This experiment is to explore a set of practical techniques that can be used to cultivate crab under low salinity conditions in order to guide the development of crab farming in low salinity areas. Now 2000 ~ 2001 test results reported as follows: 1 Materials and methods