An asymmetric MOSFET-C band-pass filter with on-chip charge pump auto-tuning

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An asymmetric MOSFET-C band-pass filter (BPF) with on chip charge pump auto-tuning is presented. It is implemented in UMC (United Manufacturing Corporation) 0.18 μm CMOS process technology. The filter system with auto-tuning uses a master-slave technique for continuous tuning in which the charge pump outputs 2.663 V, much higher than the power supply voltage, to improve the linearity of the filter. The main filter with third order low-pass and second order high-pass properties is an asymmetric band-pass filter with bandwidth of 2.730-5.340 MHz. The in-band third order harmonic input intercept point (ⅡP3) is 16.621 dBm, with 50Ω as the source impedance. The input referred noise is about 47.455 μVrms. The main filter dissipates 3.528 mW while the auto-tuning system dissipates 2.412 mW from a 1.8 V power supply. The filter with the auto-tuning system occupies 0.592 mm2 and it can be utilized in GPS (global positioning system) and Bluetooth systems. It is implemented in UMC (United Manufacturing Corporation) 0.18 μm CMOS process technology. The filter system with auto-tuning uses a master- slave technique for continuous tuning in which the charge pump outputs 2.663 V, much higher than the power supply voltage, to improve the linearity of the filter. The main filter with third order low-pass and second order high-pass properties is an asymmetric band The in-band third order harmonic input intercept point (IIP3) is 16.621 dBm with 50Ω as the source impedance. The input referred noise is about 47.455 μVrms. The main filter dissipates 3.528 mW while the auto-tuning system dissipates 2.412 mW from a 1.8 V power supply. The filter with the auto-tuning system occupies 0.592 mm2 and it can be utilized in GPS (global positioning system) and Bluetooth systems.
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