
来源 :高考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yougboo
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学生学业负担过重早已引起了社会的关注,其中作业量大是一个主要的表现。本文就国内外作业的研究做了对比,由此对我国的作业现状有了较为清晰的认识,同时,借鉴国外作业的优点提出了我国作业改革的方向。 The heavy burden of academic burdens on students has drawn the attention of the community. The large amount of homework is a major manifestation. This paper makes a comparison between homework and homework, and thus has a clear understanding of the homework in our country. At the same time, it proposes the direction of homework reform in the light of the merits of foreign homework.