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【背景材料】2006年2月13日,前国务院副总理钱其琛在“东北亚名人会”第一次会议开幕式上发表题为《为亚洲的伟大复兴贡献智慧》的讲话。他指出:亚洲已经成为世界经济增长的中心、亚洲正在成为世界最大的市场、亚洲已经是外汇储备最多的地区、亚洲已经是世界石油和天然气供应基地。他说,太平洋地区在世界经济中所起的作用越来越重要,中国、日本和韩国在世界上都是很有影响的国家。三国政治家、企业领导人和学者应发挥智慧和才能,抓住难得的历史性机遇,协力推动三国进而推动东亚乃至亚洲合作的美好未来。 【Background Materials】 On February 13, 2006, Qian Qichen, former vice premier of the State Council, delivered a speech entitled “Making Wisdom for the Great Revival of Asia” at the opening ceremony of the first conference of the Northeast Asian Celebrities Association. He pointed out: Asia has become the center of world economic growth, Asia is becoming the world’s largest market, Asia is already the region with the largest foreign exchange reserves, and Asia is already the world’s oil and gas supply base. He said that the Pacific region has played an increasingly important role in the world economy. China, Japan, and South Korea are all very influential countries in the world. The politicians, business leaders, and scholars of the three countries should exert their wisdom and talents, seize rare historic opportunities, and work together to promote the three countries and further promote the bright future of cooperation in East Asia and Asia.
浅草———沉钟社在个性主题的创作中 ,形成了三种表现模式。他们在“离乡与回乡的互补”中 ,以决绝的“离乡”喻示个性意识的觉醒 ,以深情的“回乡”表现对都市文明的超越和
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