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最近常有同学拎着作文来找老猫。“老猫,作文总是被老师批评太枯燥,怎么办?”“我的也是。老师的评语中,说我的作文‘味同嚼蜡’!”“我的评语比你的稍好——‘平淡如水’!”平淡无奇的文章真是勾不起人的阅读兴趣。你心里再好玩儿的经历如果没有生动的描摹,恐怕也不会激起别人的共鸣。就好像你说,这个东西好吃极了,可是别人如果体会不到你说的感觉,读起来就跟喝白开水一样。枯燥,是作文的一种病。这病得治!今天,老猫就带着大伙儿在海盗船上聊作文。来,上船!其实,这种枯燥的病不难治,找准病因,对症 Recently, students often carry a composition to find the cat. “The cats, the composition is always criticized by the teacher is too boring, how to do? ” “My is also the teacher’s comment, said my composition ’taste’! ” “My comment slightly better than you - ’Plain water’! ”Bland articles really can not afford to read the interest of people. If you do not have a vivid description of the fun of your heart, I am afraid it will not arouse the sympathy of others. It’s as if you said that this thing is very delicious, but if you can not feel the feeling that you say, read it just like drinking boiled water. Boring, is a composition of a disease. Today’s disease, the cat took everyone in the pirate ship chatting composition. In fact, this boring disease is not difficult to cure, identify the cause, symptomatic
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