山茶是名贵花卉,如何在湿度低、蔽阴条件差的高层住宅阳台上进行扦插繁殖,是家庭花卉爱好者的一个难题。笔者在四层楼阳台上连续两年进行了瓶泡水插试验,取得了满意的效果,成活率在100%。现将方法介绍如下: 6月中下旬,剪取当年生粗壮、半木质化山茶枝条7~10厘米,保留2~3片叶子,在离切口基部1~2厘米处用涤纶线系上重锤(最好用3个铁螺母做成),置棕色瓶中,涤纶线的长度应正好使螺母接触瓶底,然后注入自来水至叶柄处,置阳光下曝晒。注意经常换水并保持水位,勿使其低于山茶枝条基部。3个铁螺母的作用主要
Camellia is a precious flower. How to cuttings on high-rise residential balconies with low humidity and cloudy shade conditions is a problem for home flower enthusiasts. The author conducted a bottle-water plug experiment for two consecutive years on the balcony of a four-storey building and achieved satisfactory results with a survival rate of 100%. The method is introduced as follows: In late June, when the cut thick stout, semi-lignified camellia shoots 7 to 10 cm, retaining 2 to 3 leaves at a distance of 1 to 2 cm from the incision base with a polyester line Department of heavy hammer (Preferably made of three iron nuts), set the brown bottle, the length of the polyester line should just make the nut contact with the bottom of the bottle, and then tap into the petiole, set the sun exposure. Make sure to change the water frequently and keep the water level below the base of camellia shoots. The role of three iron nuts mainly