
来源 :扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whnbj
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新亚欧大陆桥开通后 ,在促进亚欧经济合作交流中发挥了积极作用。由于陆桥东端经济发展水平不高等因素 ,大陆桥的通衢、辐射、拉力作用发挥不够。宁西铁路的建设形成了以上海为东方桥头堡的新的铁路大动脉。开辟新亚欧大陆桥南干线将把东亚和北欧连接起来 ,把陆桥建成潜力巨大的洲际链和连接我国东、中、西部的经济发展轴。为此 ,应尽快制订规划、成立协调组织 ,整合沿陆桥地区的产业和资源 ,更好地发挥南干线的内聚力和辐射力 ,在加强国际交流和实施西部大开发战略中发挥更大作用 After the opening of the new Eurasian Continental Bridge, it has played an active role in promoting economic and trade cooperation between Asia and Europe. Due to the low level of economic development in the eastern end of the bridge, the role of thoroughfare, radiation and tension in the bridge of the mainland is not enough. The construction of Ningxi Railway formed a new rail artery with Shanghai as the bridgehead of the East. Opening up the New Eurasian Continental Bridge The South Main Line will connect East Asia and northern Europe and will build the continental bridge into an intercontinental chain with great potential and an axis of economic development connecting the east, middle and west of our country. To this end, we should formulate plans, establish coordinating organizations as soon as possible, integrate the industries and resources along the land bridge area, give full play to the cohesion and radiation power of the southern route, and play a greater role in strengthening international exchanges and implementing the strategy of large-scale development of the western region
研究了加工特种回转面刀具的精确理论, 导出了工艺系统运动函数非线性方程组, 采用这种方法,一条刀刃是用成型法加工,另一条刀刃是按接触条件得到,概念简单,计算方便.