布哈林作为享有世界声誉的“学识卓越的马克思主义经济学家” ,他的经济观点对苏联社会主义建设及我国具有中国特色的社会主义建设有不可忽视的借鉴作用。布哈林的主要经济理论有 :社会主义经济与非社会主义经济相结合、计划经济与市场经济相结合、工农业经济的平衡协调发展、社会主义经济主要靠经济手段等。但其在二十年代末在苏共党内受到错误批判 ,三十年代被处决 ,给国际共产主义运动带来巨大的损失。
As a “knowledgeable Marxist economist” enjoying world reputation, Bukharin’s economic viewpoint can not be ignored for reference to the Soviet Union’s socialist construction and China’s socialist construction with Chinese characteristics. Bukharin’s main economic theories include the combination of a socialist economy with a non-socialist economy, the combination of a planned economy with a market economy, a balanced and balanced development of the industrial and agricultural economy, and a socialist economy that depends mainly on economic means. However, it was mistakenly criticized within the CPSU in the late 1920s and executed in the 1930s, bringing enormous losses to the international communist movement.