婴儿猝死综合征(SIDS)是1周至1岁,特别是2~4个月幼婴最常见的死因。SIDS的死因一直不明,关于它的病因学,过去曾提出过许多学说,如暴发型细菌或病毒感染、牛奶过敏反应、枕头窒息、心肌缺钙、呼吸问题、镁缺乏、肺小动脉异常、脑干和肾上腺异常及慢性低氧血症性呼吸暂停等,但均未能证实是SIDS的单纯死因。近年来国外对其病因学的研究十分重视,本文重点将有关资料综述如下: 一、SIDS发病机制中,一般大多承认窒息学说,认为当婴儿睡眠快速动眼期,机体保护性反射处于深度抑制状态,呼吸暂停时缺氧不能唤起反射性代偿通气活动,致缺氧严重加深中枢抑制而死亡。胃—食管返流伴误吸是较老的学说,因睡眠状态咳嗽反射及其它保护性反射抑制,使
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the most common cause of death in infants aged 1 week to 1 year, especially 2 to 4 months old. The cause of death of SIDS has not been known. In the past, many theories have been proposed about the etiology of such diseases, such as fulminant bacterial or viral infections, milk allergy, pillow apnea, myocardial calcium deficiency, respiratory problems, magnesium deficiency, abnormal pulmonary arterioles, brain Dry and adrenal abnormalities and chronic hypoxemic apnea, etc., but failed to confirm that the cause of death of SIDS. In recent years, the etiology of foreign countries attach great importance to this essay will focus on the relevant information summarized as follows: First, the pathogenesis of SIDS, the general recognition of suffocation theory, that the rapid eye movements during sleep, the body’s protective reflex depth inhibition , Apnea hypoxia can not arouse the reflex compensatory ventilation activities, resulting in severe hypoxia and reduce central inhibition of death. Stomach - esophageal reflux with aspiration is the older theory, due to sleep cough reflex and other protective reflex inhibition