Alan Juffs&Guillermo A.Rodriguez.2015.Second Language Sentence Processing.New York:Routledge.xxii+277pp.美国匹兹堡大学Juffs教授和佛蒙特大学Rodriguez教授合作的新著《二语句子加工》于2015年由Routledge出版社纳入“认知科学及二语习得系列”出版。这是迄今首部系统介绍二语句子加工的学术专著。该书吸收了生成语法、
Alan Juffs & Guillermo A. Rodriguez.2015. Second Language Sentence Processing. New York: Routledge.xxii + 277pp. The new “Second Language Sentence Processing”, by Professor Juffs of the University of Pittsburgh and Professor Rodriguez of the University of Vermont, was included in 2015 by Routledge Press “Cognitive Science and Second Language Acquisition Series ” published. This is by far the first systematic introduction to second language sentence processing monographs. The book absorbs the generated grammar,