××桥在水深和河床地质复盖层浅、岩层面倾斜坡度大的条件下修建桥梁基础,使用小型木井筒修筑钢筋混凝土柱式基础代替钢筋混凝土沉井、施工简易、降低了造价,顺利地克服了基底岩层不平的问题。施工情况介绍如下: 1.柱基的配置: 承台底尺寸为10.10×4.5米,配置2.00米直径的圆柱6根。配置图如图1。
× × bridge in the water depth and riverbed shallow cover, rock slope gradient under the conditions of the construction of the bridge foundation, the use of small wooden shaft to build reinforced concrete column instead of reinforced concrete caisson, construction is simple, reducing the cost, successfully Overcoming the problem of uneven rock formation. The construction situation is introduced as follows: 1. Plinth configuration: The bottom of the platform is 10.10 × 4.5 meters, with 6 columns of 2.00m diameter. Configuration shown in Figure 1.