正当大張旗鼓地宣傳貫徹党的建設社会主义的总路綫的时候,大兴安嶺圖里河林業局职工以实际行动报捷:已于5月8日提前半年月二十二天超額完成了今年國家下达的三十二万立方公尺木材生產計划。 圖里河林業局所以能够提前半年多超额完成全年國家計划,是由于在整風运动取得勝利的基礎上,贯徹执行了建設社会主义总路綫的結果。这个林業局从今年年初就在党委的领导下,不断地批判与克服了右傾保守思想,發动并依靠群众,鼓足革命干勁,制定出躍進指标和措施。与此同时,發动职工大力革新了技術。在汽車运材方面,为解决塔脫拉不足的困难,推行了有重大作用的列車式,运材和井字大梁
While propagandizing and carrying out the Party’s general line of building socialism in a big way, the staff of the Dori Houtan River Forest Bureau made a concrete move with concrete actions: It has already surpassed the state-issued this year on the 8th of May, twenty-two days ahead of schedule on May 8 320,000 cubic meters of timber production plan. The Turihe Forestry Bureau was able to over-complete its annual plan of the whole year more than six months in advance because of the implementation of the result of building the general line of socialism on the basis of the victory of the rectification campaign. Starting from the beginning of this year, under the leadership of the party committee, the forestry bureau constantly criticized and overcame the conservative thinking of the rightist government, mobilized and relied on the masses to summon the revolutionary drive and set the targets and measures for leapfrogging. In the meantime, mobilizing workers has revolutionized technology. In the aspect of motor transport of timber, in order to solve the problem of shortage of tower pull, a significant role in the train type, transport material and Tic Tac Toe